Artificial Intelligence Applications with Python ( Apr10 - May8)

Artificial Intelligence Applications with Python ( Apr10 - May8)


Time: Sat 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Tools: Python and Machine Learning
Beginner - Intermediate

Pre-requisite: None


Course Description

Artificial intelligence, or AI, may seem like a new concept. The reality is that AI is already in our daily lives.

Spam filters, recommendation engines, language translation services, chatbots, search engines, and fraud detection systems are all examples of AI.

A better understanding of AI can help our youth make informed decisions. That will impact their future and their career choices.

The best way for our youth to understand an AI system is to build with this technology for themselves. This course is the perfect platform to learn AI and Machine Learning interactively and playfully.

If you have any question please contact us or call us at 416- 840-6311